Water Quality Transects - WCA Outflow Structures to
Florida Bay
D R A F T -
Project Index
The following charts show spatial variations in water quality along transects starting
at structure discharges (outflows from WCA's or regional canals) and ending in the coastal
areas of each ENP basin. Coastal stations (codes starting
with 'FLAB') are operated by FIU. Structure stations (starting with 'S') and marsh
stations (starting with 'P') are operated by SFWMD. Median concentrations for
1995-1997 are plotted. Stations were sampled monthly or biweekly during this period.
The following variables are plotted below :
Basins shown (from left to right) include Broad, Shark Taylor, Coastal, & Barnes
Click here to see a basin map with station locations.
Click here to see concentrations dispayed in map form.

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |

Broad River |
Shark River Slough |
Taylor Slough |
Coastal |
Barnes |
Project Index
03/30/02 |