Mean daily air temperature drives simulation of evapotranspiration from aquifer devices and snowfall/snowmelt. Air temperature data are not required if neither of those features are utilized in a given case.
File contains one record per month in the following format:
YYYY MM T1 T2 ..... TN
YYYY = calendar year (YY format recognized & converted to YYYY)
MM= month
Ti = mean daily air temperature for day i of month
N =
If a valid file name
is specified 'Edit General ' screen, values from file will be used. Otherwise, long-term
monthly-mean air temps specified on evapo-transpiration input screen will
be used. The long-term average values will also be used for any
dates that are missing from the temperature input file.
An air temperature offset can be added to input values from either source. This adjusts input data for differences in elevation or other factors. For example, average air temperature typically declines by 3-5 deg F for each 1000 ft of elev.
The air temperature file must be stored in the same directory as the case input file.
See sample input files .
Excel File Translation
Excel can be used to import air temperature data from external sources in
any format.
The translation utility ('File Translate Temperature') reads the first worksheet in the specified workbook.
Air temperature data can be obtained from NCDC or local sources.
The worksheet is of the following form:
Cell A1 = Title
Cell A2 = "DATE"
Cell B2 = "TEMPF"
Cell An = Date, in excel date/time format
Cell Bn = Mean daily air temperature (inches)
Rules are the following: