Calibrated K Values vs. Dataset &  Community Type D R A F T 6/1/2005
Other DMSTA2 Parameters
Category Calib Set Description C0 (ppb) C1 (ppb) C2 (ppb) Z1 (cm)
Emergent EMERG_3 Emergent or unmanaged on previously farmed or disturbed soils 3 22 300 40
Preexistent Wetland PEW_3 Emergent or unmanaged on previous wetland or undisturbed soils 3 22 300 40
SAV SAV_3 Managed to promote submersed aquatic vegetation; calcitic  3 22 300 40
PSTA PSTA_3 Periphyton treatment area on limerock/shellrock substrate; calcitic 3 22 300 40
Reservoir RES_3 Lake or reservoir 3 150 0 0
Calibrated K (m/yr)
Category Count Median Mean StdDev CV Min Max 10th% 90th%
Emergent 9 16.8 17.0 3.4 0.20 11.9 23.5 13.0 21.7
Preexistent Wetland 7 34.9 36.1 7.6 0.21 27.4 48.6 26.7 45.7
SAV 4 52.5 53.8 8.5 0.16 46.3 63.9 43.0 64.3
PSTA 6 23.6 24.7 5.5 0.22 2.9 33.7 17.8 31.3
Reservoir 9 5.0 4.5 2.0 0.45 1.1 7.7 2.8 9.0
Calibrations based upon least-squares fit of 30-day FMW outflow concentrations  (30-day geo-means for WCA-2A & C111 datasets)
Error bars show +/- 1 standard error of K calibrated to each dataset
10-90th percentiles estimated from median K value, coefficient of variation (CV) within each category, assuming log-normal distribution